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Cats Rescued: 311


About HHCR

(Formerly known as HHWCC - Hungry & Homeless in the World's Coldest Capital)

HHCR is an animal rescue organization in Ottawa, Ontario. Our goal is to save injured or found cats and try to find them permanent suitable homes. Medical help is arranged for any cat suffering from injuries or illness. All cats are at temporary foster homes until adopted. We rely on volunteers and donations from kind individuals who care.

What we do.

When we find or hear of a cat or family living outside on their own, a member of HHCR finds them and evaluates their situation. In almost all cases the animals are undernourished, hurt, diseased, parasitic, dirty and sometimes freezing to death.

The cats are taken to a Vet for evaluation and assistance as soon as possible.

When the animal is in stable condition they are offered for adoption. As soon as possible in this process the cat is kept in a foster home to be cared for temporarily until adoption.

Fosterers and adoption homes are evaluated to ensure the best situation for the cat(s).

Message from founder of HHCR:

Hungry and Homeless Cat Rescue is dedicated to my beloved cat Telsa…..

Two years ago, I had no pets. I was new to Ottawa and had no idea of the severity of the problem of homeless cats, nor of the impact of the freezing winters on them.
One winter, a starved frightened cat started making a home for itself on my deck. I tried to help it, but it was so terrified of humans that it preferred to bolt into the freezing ice and snow, rather than risk an encounter with a human. So, I just put food & water out for the cat, and built it a little insulated bed. One minus 25 degree evening, when I opened the door to put some food out for the cat, it ran inside my house. It rubbed around my legs, and then just collapsed. The poor little cat was in such a bad way, that it risked the “unknown” with a human to try and save its life. The tiny starved cat was severely dehydrated, had frost-bitten ears, sunken eyes and a big gash across her nose. Those were only some of the physical traumas. The emotional ones – of previously being abandoned or abused by humans - left lasting psychological traumas…..

From that day on, Tesla slowly got better and never left my side. It became a little difficult to go anywhere as Tesla would follow me everywhere, and run after me – whether I was on foot or on a bicycle. We slowly gained each other’s trust over the months. It was not easy, because Tesla was so traumatized, that she would often growl, bite & hiss. She slowly regained her health and strength back and before there was time to have her spayed, she delivered four little kittens. 

Tesla tesla tesla tesla

She demonstrated this new-found trust she had for a human by sharing the birth with me and making me a second mother to her babies. We all bonded to one another, and became a family of 6!  All 6 of us were inseparable, and took walks together outside two times per day. While we were outside, Tesla counted on me to look after two of the kittens, and she looked after the other two. Between the two of us, the kittens never went astray. After the kittens were weaned, Telsa was spayed and micro chipped.

Then, one year ago (October 3119), I experienced one of the saddest days in my life. My beloved Tesla went missing.

I searched for her day and night everywhere I could think of, and continue my search to this day.

As I called out for Tesla and searched roads, backyards, alleys, bushes, etc. at all hours of the day and night, many other cats appeared instead. They all needed medical attention and homes. Soon the word must have started getting around, because cats were now showing up at my door. Every cat that showed up was starving, injured, sick and/or pregnant. It was heartbreaking to see how many abandoned / stray / homeless cats there were in my small neighborhood alone, let alone all of Ottawa and surrounding areas.

"A very special thank you to the Cat Rescue Network, Country Cat Sanctuary, and to the individuals for all of their support, guidance and assistance with this initiative.

"It is my hope that this website be another vehicle to create awareness for all of the difficulties that homeless cats lead outside, and get assistance for them. I also hope that this website can be a vehicle to  Tesla & I reuniting one day, along with all the other pet owners who have lost their special feline friend….."

Valerie, founder of HHRC